Cultivating Resourcefulness and Ease in Movement

Hi, my name is Katrin Neue and I am a Clinical Somatic Movement Educator registered with ISMETA, teaching movement professionally for over 20 years.

Somatics is all about embodiment, moving in a more comfortable, aware and confident way. You can melt away layers of holding patterns that keep you from moving forward!

Somatics is a collaborative approach to self-care with clear movement suggestions that take your whole being into consideration. My approach to Somatic Movement Education in the tradition of Thomas Hanna is secular and practical.

No ‘work harder, pull up here, don’t sink there, be careful when you do this’ – supercharge your perception of how you move and how you can strip it back to efficiency, pleasure and simplicity by doing less.

Let me assist you on your way to better health!

Thank you so much. Your workshop was life changing!

Gabriella, artisan dyer

This is the longest I could lie on my back at one time without discomfort or pain. And the first time I experience that I can move my leg without bracing my middle!

N., 121 client