With online school and work from home well under way and almost a year into this all-encompassing changed situation, you might have found that your priorities shifted to more balancing activities, while trying to keep work within it’s time container. If working from home means your discomfort around the shoulders and neck have increased, and you are looking for a DIY approach to pain release (because you have noticed that you can grow your own lettuce, paint your own walls and home school your child at the same time..) join me for the 5 week course with a deep dive into freeing the shoulders for smoother movement, less pain, better strategies for when stress is growing and growing – all through simple somatic movements. You can do these in a few minutes or as a more comprehensive self-care movement routine that helps you banish tension or feeling stressed whenever you need*. The good thing is that you will learn how tightness and discomfort in the shoulder area is related to tightness elsewhere, so while we relate everything in the course to the shoulders, you will at the same time have strategies for better coordinated movement all over. It’s like a luxurious movement-massage!
Here are the dates:
February 1st – March 1st
5.30pm GMT
Teaching language English
5 weeks / 70€
Includes helpful audio recordings for your home practice with tips on how to use the movements and body scans successfully
*Somatic Movement is not a cure for unfair work conditions, systemic oppression or other circumstances that keep you in a fight or flight response. It is not a replacement for therapy – it is an exploration of how we envision ourselves to be through movement without old, habituated (internalised) restrictions we have accumulated through our life experiences. It can help to calm a racing mind and connect you to your sense of self, your sensation of your body and practicing experiencing possibilities.