courses, learning remotely, Workshops

Foundations in Somatics starts again next week!

Spring is here and everyone is seeking the same time you might not feel so ready 'just yet' to be with other people (if you're in Ireland like me - we have another 6 or so weeks of Level 5 restrictions anyways). Would you like to take some time every week to deeply connect… Continue reading Foundations in Somatics starts again next week!


Looking for Pilates-based classes?

I still teach Pilates, and from January, there are 2 online morning classes added. Here is my currently planned schedule - click on the class to book: Monday 10am - 12 week course via Cabinteely Adult Education Tuesday 6.30pm - mixed level (no beginners!) drop in at Live&Breathe Pilates Wednesday 10.30am - Morning Movements, Pilates-based,… Continue reading Looking for Pilates-based classes?


Breathing study for when things go pear shaped

I'm a sucker for images when moving - they help us to get out of our judging/correcting/observing mind and into the sensation of the moment.So while working with a client this morning on soft breathing and integrating the back, we played around a little with images. My trail of thought... lungs in lower back..expansion through… Continue reading Breathing study for when things go pear shaped


Want to learn more about Breath and Pelvic Floor?

Or how about Rotation? I have added two workshop classes! Breath and your Pelvic Floor is a 90 min class exploring how our diaphragms relate and what we can do to lessen pressure and tension in our pelvic floor. Strained breathing, breath holding and abdominal tension are some of the hindrances we can get into… Continue reading Want to learn more about Breath and Pelvic Floor?