
First plans for 2019

It’s cosy knitting time for me! I love when autumn arrives that means I can wear ALL my handknitted jumpers. If you’ve been a client of mine, you have probably seen me wearing one… For me it’s important and relaxing to make things-knitting, sewing… it gives me a connection to who came before me in a way too. It gives my hands something to do and most importantly it’s something that you can put down and pick up again to simply continue even after a break. It’s the total opposite of teaching movement 🙂 I love wearing things I created and making a jumper out of a string still fascinates me!

What better weather to announce some fantastic news for next year 😀
I’ll teach a Somatics for Knitters workshop at Carol Feller’s Knitting retreat in Cork beginning of April 2019!
Carol Feller is probably the best known Irish knitwear designer. She recently published her new collaborative pattern collection ‘Echoes of Heather and Stone’ inspired by the Irish landscape.
If you are a knitter, you might know Carol from her shortrow technique class on Craftsy or have taken class with her at Woollinn yarn festival here in Dublin (where I had my first big Somatics for Knitters workshops!) She has put together a beautiful and inspiring program for a very extended weekend in Cork, a city with lots of art, the best Japanese restaurant and surrounded by a magical landscape.

Hop over to her website and have a look at the blog to find out all the details!
I’ll teach a morning workshop on how to release your shoulders, neck and arms after all that knit and chatter!
I’m so E X C I T E D!!

I am also planning on maybe organising a workshop on Saturday afternoon in Cork, for anyone who would like to learn more about Somatic Movement Education but can’t do the whole Knitting tour.

Get in touch with me if you’re in Cork and interested!

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