
New class starting in Rathmines

Empty your stress bucket with a soothing restorative Somatic Movement course, starting November 9th. Set better habits, calm your nervous system and move better again!


First plans for 2019

It's cosy knitting time for me! I love when autumn arrives that means I can wear ALL my handknitted jumpers. If you've been a client of mine, you have probably seen me wearing one... For me it's important and relaxing to make things-knitting, sewing... it gives me a connection to who came before me in… Continue reading First plans for 2019

Uncategorized, Workshops

More workshops confirmed!

When I said 2018 will be the year of sharing Somatic Education with more people I meant it! I was visiting Holistic Nurture in Blanchardstown (D15), and while I was travelling through the snowy sleet and icy wind, Leemore who runs Holistic Nurture gave me a warm welcome. The centre is open since a bit… Continue reading More workshops confirmed!

Clinical Somatics, Uncategorized

A recommended article!

Lawrence Gold, one of the 'Wave 1' practitioners (who studied directly under Thomas Hanna) who have taken Somatic Education further and further, has written a beautifully concise article I would like to share! You can find the description of what happens in Hanna Somatic Education, which is what my training was based on, HERE I… Continue reading A recommended article!

Classes, Uncategorized

Starting next week: Weekly Wellness Class at Dance Ireland

I'm so happy to be back at Dance Ireland next week to teach a Somatic Movement class under the 'Healthy Dancer' umbrella. The 4 weeks of lunchtime classes will give you the chance to find out a bit more about Somatic Movement the only way to find out - by experiencing it! I've got some… Continue reading Starting next week: Weekly Wellness Class at Dance Ireland

Classes, Clinical Somatics, Uncategorized

What people say about Somatics

Or better - what people say in and after a class! I got so much out of it! My hip feels much more mobile, my back feels looser! My shoulders are relaxed! My bowels are very happy! Sometimes it's a smile, a surprised look or an Ooooh! I have updated the website with some feedback… Continue reading What people say about Somatics