
New class starting in Rathmines

Empty your stress bucket with a soothing restorative Somatic Movement course, starting November 9th. Set better habits, calm your nervous system and move better again!

Uncategorized, Workshops

More workshops confirmed!

When I said 2018 will be the year of sharing Somatic Education with more people I meant it! I was visiting Holistic Nurture in Blanchardstown (D15), and while I was travelling through the snowy sleet and icy wind, Leemore who runs Holistic Nurture gave me a warm welcome. The centre is open since a bit… Continue reading More workshops confirmed!

Classes, Uncategorized

Back at University of Limerick!

I'm delighted to be invited back as a guest lecturer at University of Limerick next week. I'll be working with the Master of Arts Contemporary Dance Performance students on alignment, effortless and efficient movement as a basis for their complex challenges they are facing as professional dancers. I am currently the only practitioner in the… Continue reading Back at University of Limerick!