
New class starting in Rathmines

Empty your stress bucket with a soothing restorative Somatic Movement course, starting November 9th. Set better habits, calm your nervous system and move better again!

Clinical Somatics, thoughts, Uncategorized

Explain Pain

I've been lucky to have had the opportunity in participating in an Explain Pain seminar this weekend, presented by Ben Davies (not the football player), a pain specialist with excellent presentation skills and a vast knowledge. The Explain Pain course is developed by the NOIgroup, Australia's leading pain science researchers. We were learning about how… Continue reading Explain Pain

Classes, testimonials

Client feedback uuuh aaaah!

I taught a hip specific workshop class last weekend and one of the participating clients send me back a lovely feedback I got permission to share with you! If you would like to use the power of gentle movement to gain more control, awareness and release, don't wait around, DO IT! You can start tomorrow… Continue reading Client feedback uuuh aaaah!